What would make you leave Monzo?

We know why some of us joined Monzo (What made you join Monzo?). But what would be the one thing that would make you leave, without giving Monzo second chance?

For me it is rather straightforward - Monzo switching from Hot Coral to blue card! :wink: Just kidding! The day when Monzo is taken over by the likes of HSBC or Barclays would my last day with them.


Pictures of unicorns on the cards. I hate unicorns


:open_mouth: Not unicorns HAHAHA

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Even this one?


Awww but urgh

You have me all conflicted now :rage:


If the app becomes slow and bloated, if something shiny and new comes along, poor customer experiences are probably the main three for me.

  • Lack of transparency
  • If customer service became poor
  • Any long term downtime without good reason

If they mark Android Parity as ā€œDoneā€ on The Big List without fixing/improving the search functionality :smirk:


Oh hell nah that can go what the heck is that :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

Unicat? :joy:


If I felt they werenā€™t acting in the best interests of their customers. Theyā€™ve stated their goals and I want to hold them to them. Best way I can do that is with my custom.
I understand theyā€™ll stumble along the way, but so far theyā€™ve done a pretty good job.

Alternative answer:
If I still donā€™t manage to invest the next time they do a funding round.


I would leave if I felt that Monzo was no longer an ethical, responsible company to hold my money. Itā€™s that simple! I could see myself using another bank in addition to Monzo if something came along that I thought could be better, but I donā€™t think I would drop Monzo entirely unless they seriously disappointed me.


Iā€™d leave tomorrow and go back to Metro as there are too many bugs that are genuinely annoying the shit out of me that are taking way to long to get fixed then there are things that I really hate about the app and the way they rolled out in a broken state etc.

The reason I stay is because I like the notifications, the customer service is A1 and even though I am a knob on here I still get treated the same, I like this place and I am just too lazy to CASS my way out.

Iā€™m not hating, Iā€™m just saying.


If monzo started offering marketplace discounts if you buy Hawaiian pizza :wink:


I wouldnā€™t leave as close my account but I did actually leave Monzo as my main account after going full Monzo back in September 2017 I realised app or Monzo were not ready for me to be main account.

I am still using Monzo every day and things are improving slowly but surely so I will seriously reconsider again in couple of months.

If Barclays took okā€¦shiver at the thought. And if Monzo became like a high street bank.

Monzo suits me just fine

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I donā€™t think anything would make me leave Monzo because itā€™s not my main bank account anyway, mostly because of the overdraft fees. Iā€™m a bit of a hypocrite as Iā€™m using their free buffer as a extension of my real overdraft. If they made the switch to APR then I would switch my banking to them but for me it makes no economic sense at the moment.

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There is very little that would make me leave without ever considering giving them a second chance. Maybe if they fall behind into the legacy mindset & rusty tech stack.


In all fairness, the reason Iā€™ve left big banks was that I felt I was just a number or not a person.

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If the company becomes so big that they lose their current touch, the natural language and friendliness.

If they lose their transparency.

If they start doing things that are not in the interest of the customers.

The human touch is a huge factor for me.
I had an issue yesterday and spoke to one of the COps . He sorted it immediately and put the refund in my account without any questions. He said it was a complicated issue and didnā€™t need to bore me with the details. I asked for the details and was given a great response.

I loved this interaction.