I’m sure when I first went full Monzo last year I declared which payment was my salary, since then I have changed jobs, how will Monzo know which payment is my new salary?
Could possibly be asked what regular payment/salary you want sorted within the app
I’m not sure what you mean
They will just call any large BACS payment over x amount your salary
I’ve had a “you just got paid” notification when I withdrew money from Freetrade
Ahh, fair enough, that seems to be logical
You will have to choose the salary sorter within the app if you want to use it? So maybe their is the option to link/ choose which regular payment you want as your salary for said sorter
This would have been to set up Summary and make sure your summary updates on the right day of the month.
I’m pretty sure things have changed since then so Summary can be set to a specific day +/- a few days and things like Salary Sorter and Get Paid Early are independent of this too.
As you’ve said in your reply things would have changed since then and salary sorter being a new change maybe they give you the option to assign a regular payment as your salary
RE Salary Sorter:
Just to add…
Which is anything above £100
I received my pay today but there was no option to split it out. Could it be that it needs to be a specific type of payment?
Nope, just turned off temporarily
Any BACS payment from my own experience, I had £48 from topcashback and could get it early
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