Hot Coral Plus Card - Thoughts

I’ll buy you a candle… or two.

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This is getting a bit heated here :slight_smile: Guys, everyone invests in things they want to. I personally don’t have money to burn, but I do believe that monzo plus will end up being a service worth paying for .
If you don’t agree, then don’t do it. Simples.


The point I’m making is that using Monzo has allowed me to save way more than £36. When I say “I owe them a lot”, I mean they’ve helped me save a lot, not that I need to put a cheque in the post for Tom.

People have always paid more, to be amongst the first to try something, to test and give feedback. Then later, everyone else pays less for a better product. Don’t know what you’re problem is


He meant it as a joke. Don’t fret, we’re all chill :cold_face:

I’d rather ‘donate’ £36 to my local pub tbh


Which should be the function of any bank. They make money from you saving with them, so you owe them nothing.

The very nature of a commercial relationship

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So someone owes nothing to a paramedic that helps save their life?



A bank is a means to save and improve life. That doesn’t mean you owe anything

Well no, they don’t. You may be grateful, you don’t pay their salary

Taxes do. I pay taxes.

Now you’re being deliberately awkward. kthxbai

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Off topic, but it’s a minority that are actually net contributors over a lifetime

:raising_hand_man:t3: Happy to be in that minority.

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You have a deal. :handshake:

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100% this

Couldn’t care less about a different coloured card but I do think Plus has the potential to be really good. If it turns out it’s not then I won’t renew, but I trust the vision they have

I wouldn’t pay £36 just to support them, but happily will coz FOMO


Are you really though?

Yes. :blush:

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Happy to see this perspective coming across. Businesses in the 21st century should be about providing value and being rewarded for it.

It seems like a lot of us are starting to realize we need to support the things we want more of, or we will end up with unfortunate externalities. Monzo spends money to build this product and offer more value to us than existing banks, where many of the benefits they are offering cost them. I’d like to see this offering continue to grow and diversify.

Monzo also has the ability to negotiate on behalf of all of us to offer products at better prices and with terms more suited to the needs of Monzo’s demographic. Supporting Monzo with a Plus account seems like a clear way to help them continue on this pathway. We all just have to have faith that Monzo will continue to make choices that support their users once they have maximized their market share, by creating value and maintaining respect. :handshake:


That’s debatable, that’s not me in any way being harsh it’s just me stating a fact. YMMV.

Maybe we can help Monzo to make those choices by not paying for something they offer which has no value for us? For me, that’s better than having faith. :+1:


I mean, part of what you’re paying is for the other features as well, granted yes they’re not hear yet, but that was what it stated in the sign up; not everything is ready yet.

It can go both ways where they could listen (as they’ve done in the past) to us and adjust what needs to be adjusted. Or if we don’t show interest in it they could just scrap it.

At the moment, I’ve actually found the custom useful and the travel insurance makes sense for me. Obviously I’d like more features to come sooner, but hey - early launch :man_shrugging:t2: