Holiday destinations for families post covid

Following on from #MonzosSummerHolidayDataThing

We’re looking at going abroad on our first family holiday as there seems to be some really good deals about at the moment :beach_umbrella:

I saw this deal for 2 weeks in Florida, 2 adults and 2 kids, for £600 but I think the ~9 hour flight might be a bit too much when you have a 3 year old and a 1 year old :grimacing:

Does anyone have any suggestions for “young” family destinations with low-ish flight time at this time of year?


Croatia seems to be popular


Wales :eyes: can class it as abroad as they’re all a bit strange :rofl:

Turkey is nice, however probably not for a younger family as the people working the restaurants etc are really pushy when it comes to trying to get you through the door.

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I always had a great time in Sharm el Sheikh. Though that was when I was a teenager not a toddler. Sure you can find somewhere to dump the kids and then enjoy yourselves though :wink:

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Whatever you do, please don’t be this :person_facepalming:

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Wherever you decide, remember that some countries still have travel restrictions.

Handy guide here:


Rewinding to the 3yo & 1yo days, we found Majorca to be fantastic - specifically Cala d’Or and Puerto Pollenca. Spent many years between the 2 (with the odd trip to Lanzarote thrown in) for the summer holidays and had a great time. Flight time manageable, transfers manageable, heat manageable.

In later mini-me years, we switched to :passenger_ship: combined with :cityscape:-breaks to keep it interesting.

We also did a DisneyWorld :us: holiday when they were 6yo and 3yo - which was both amazing (we knew people who worked there and received incredible perks) and disappointing (neither kiddo really remembers it now :cry: ) Advice, FWIW - for the ‘big’ trips, wait until they’re at an age where they can enjoy it, and therefore the memories, more.

Each to their own. We’ve also had some banging holidays in a :tent: in absolutely :poo: British weather :cloud_with_rain:


I agree with David on the save the big trips comment, our youngest is 5 next month, so thankfully when we go to the likes of Disneyland paris or any theme park, height restrictions ain’t a problem. Nothing worse than kids wanting on a ride and being turned away. Also if they old enough to remember they will talk about it for years to come. Spain is a good option if you want a sun holiday, we did costa del sol a good few times, when boys were younger.


Oh I fully agree with that. If we were to go with the Florida trip we’d probably skip DisneyWorld and do the smaller (and thankfully much cheaper) attractions like Bush Gardens and the surrounding water parks etc.

That’s a possible good shout. They wouldn’t be really bored/uncomfortable on a long flight then… :thinking:

Yeah I’m thinking Spain and the likes of fuerteventura… I’m going to go to a travel agents at the weekend I think to see what they can recommend.


I also considered a staycation at some form of holiday park like Butlins, or even places like Alton Towers but after a quick look last night the price for a week is ~£1,500 :scream:

For that kind of money I know I can get away to somewhere much nicer, hotter, different culture etc and give the kids their first experience of flying rather than being stuck in a car for hours.