Historic Statements have new address on - not address at time of statement

I have to provide historic evidence of residence via Bank Statements.

Unfortunately, printing of historic Monzo bank statements has the latest Address.

The Statement should have the address at the time of the statement.

This is a big problem for me.


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I suggest you contact the the in-app COPS and see if they are able to help you re this. Agree that statements should be addressed for the time the transactions took place.


I think this all depends how and when the statements are generated because the address should probably relate to that time.

If they were generated as time goes by and stored somewhere then Iā€™d expect the address to reflect whatever was appropriate at the time in question. If theyā€™re generated on request (I.e. now) which is what I suspect happens then Iā€™d expect them to reflect current address details.

Clearly, I suspect they are generated on request rather than made and stored at some point in the past.

As already stated, asking COps is all you can do. Iā€™ll be interested to know what answer you get.

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Having recently been through a painful Visa renewal process with my SO who is non-UK/EU citizen then this is quite key to get right - I needed to provide letters from my legacy bank(s) attesting my previous 12 months of bank statements as accurate including correct address history etc. I would be interested in the response on this also. Thanks


This was the same with my previous banks, if I requested copy statements they had the current address on. Pretty standard practice I believe.

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Yeah many banks will do this. Bank account statements were never intended to be documents for proof of address or any sort of proof document. They just sort of happened over the years. In my last work we redesigned the statements with no address but ended up having to put it in even though thereā€™s no legal requirement to


Just because with how legacy banks work, the statement file is actually generated (as a PDF) at the end of the month. With Monzo theyā€™re only ever generated on-demand, so extra work is needed to actually fetch the address for the requested statement period, instead of always pulling the latest one.

I agree that there may not be a legal requirement but this is something really useful to solve for when you see how hard it is for Visa applications and the like to prove your dates of residency in an old/new address. Particularly as itā€™s best to you get such government documents absolutely water tight, as if you are declined it may be for the smallest reason, such as documents not matching with the address and the same date range etc.

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While inconvenient, couldnā€™t you just change the address to your old address, print the statement and then change it back?

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Iā€™ve always noted old details in official statements, and I would expect statements to be generated and stored at the end of the period they cover. I can understand why this isnā€™t the case with on-demand generation, but then Iā€™m curious as to the regulations around this.

Perhaps incorrectly, but I believe statements are supposed to be snapshots in time that cannot be changed or updated. Thatā€™s not to say I expect any bank to be generating and storing millions of PDF files, but I would expect a statement to be generated and stored in a fixed point in time, rather than doing a live query on account transactions and generating it based on this. What if something had changed with a transaction and you need evidence of the original event?


When trying to get security clearance for work i had to give statements as the company i had sub contracted for had gone bust and i needed to prove where my income had been coming from, if my statements had had a different address on them than what i had claimed on my address history im not sure what they would say

Seems like there are no regulations as far as address display is concerned.

What if something had changed with a transaction and you need evidence of the original event?

If settled transactions were changing in Monzoā€™s DB I would have much bigger things to worry about than incorrect statements IMO.

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Apparently thatā€™s exactly what a lot of them actually doā€¦

It appears to be what Amex do as they want you to request online statements that are older than 6 months so they can load them up

All solved. Via chat in the app i have now been sent the appropriate statements with the correct address - ie my address at time of statement.

Further the Monzo guy said they will look at fixing the bug.


So apparently this ā€œBugā€ has not been fixed and after being handed over to 4-5 different people on the Chat, Monzo says they cannot provide statements with the correct address. Meanwhile, my Barclays account (that I have closed over a year ago) has 10 years of my statements with the correct address available on my account (I still have ISA with them so the account is active).

So Monzo has my address history for the duration of my account and has the statements, but their on-demand statement generator canā€™t put the correct address on the PDF?

Doesnā€™t sound like a bug to me.

In all the situations Iā€™ve needed statements it would have caused an issue having a different address on some and not others that donā€™t match my ID (passport, drivers licence etc).

Can you simply not change your address in app, download whatever statements you need and then swap it back?

Sorry to hear this hasnā€™t worked as expected Amin.

When youā€™ve spoken to our team through the in app chat service did they give further clarification as to why this couldnā€™t be arranged?

Are you able to confirm when you last spoke to us about this?

Thanks. I did think about doing this but then I thought It would mess with the address history on the account, showing that I changed my address 3 times in 1 day and maybe somehow ā€œbreakā€ Monzo, heh!

Anyway, after being passed around a good few Monzo chat reps saying itā€™s impossible and more than a week later, I was told this:

ā€œWeā€™ve recently had a change to this process and I can action this for you - very sorry for the information you ahve been given to suggest otherwiseā€

Not sure how ā€œrecentā€ the change was (Maybe after I ranted here!) but glad itā€™s here