Getting a " replacement card "

Just got a message through on Monzo saying " We’ve sent you a replacement card " " We think your card could be exposed to fraud "

I have had no unsolicited transactions at all, however I have spent a bit more recently. Could this be why ? I understand Monzo cannot say why but was wondering if this has happened to anyone else.

Thankfully my current card has not been cancelled so I can continue to use it until the new one arrives.

It has happened to plenty of people in the past.

As for your question of why. You’ve answered it yourself, they typically don’t say.

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OK fair enough. :+1:

Banks can see data you can’t, such as cards being visible on the dark web.

Could also be at a merchant you’ve purchased from, and seen fraud occur there frequently.

Wouldn’t be concerned about it, just the bank being proactive.


Transacted with any budget mobile carriers by chance?

Uhm, yes you have…


Uhm no I haven’t.

I had that card replaced months ago and cancelled Lyca then too

That was one month ago, and it’s quite possibly the same breach that’s led them to take that precaution as they’ve done with a number of others in your thread. Even though you already replaced your card, you’re still part of the data trend.

Or perhaps there’s another common denominator, that it turns out isn’t Lyca, and you’ve used your new card details with.


Good point thanks :pray:

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My card is less than a month old and is covered by this. That means the new breach is one of 3 or 4 well known large companies and I’d rather know so I can stop doing business with them.

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I’ve thought this all along.

If cards have been replaced, the CPA would have been delinked (or should have) by the bank.

I’d like to think a major company, like a supermarket, would’ve said something by now.

Gonna scroll my Ultra card transactions and see if anything stands out.

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I had the same replacement card message on Wednesday and thankfully the new card arrived on Friday. Thought it odd that the replaced card wasn’t cancelled immediately or frozen by Monzo. They just recommended I froze it between transactions. My card was also replaced after getting the US active card checks a month or so back.

Looking at the new card, it has phone numbers on the back that the old card didn’t and looks to have come from a different source (top right on the card has a different company listed). Since Monzo knew my card has been replaced since the card checks, it got me wondering if the card they sent for the first replacement was missing the contact numbers, so they replaced as a precaution - after all those numbers of for reporting issues and checking cards, so have fraud based uses.

The one thing I wish they could say is whether it is something that I have done or something someone else has done. Getting cards replaced is annoying at best so having 2 new cards in less than 2 months is starting to make me doubt my choice of moving my primary current account to Monzo.

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I had this several weeks ago thanks to I suspect Lycamobile, I never got a new card, I am not worried as the leaks happened with an old card before I got Monzo Perks

There’s little need to worry that this is the result of any actual fraud attempts. My brand new card was also replaced last week - before I even activated let alone used it! So zero frauds possible (unless Monzo or the card suppliers were compromised) and no dark web visibility.

Looks like they are being extra careful to protect anyone who previously used LycaMobile, even if they’d already swopped cards.


They might have rejected a suspicious transaction without it showing in your account, so security working well. I had this recently with another bank.