General broadband discussion

I think that’s a good idea :joy:

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It’s possible (just) to have both :slight_smile:


I got my speed upgrade after I complained, funny that

I give it 20 minutes.


Openreach Confirm UK Launch of 1.8Gbps and 1.2Gbps FTTP Tiers - ISPreview UK

When FTTP is not really FTTP… There is no reason at all that it cannot be symmetrical BT/OpenReach!

1.2Gbs download is great, but how about at least 1gb upload?

Cityfiber manage it just fine, so do Hyperoptic,

Are they running on the cheapest equipment or something? XGPON is supposed to be capable of 10g up/down, They’re artificially limiting the upload speed for reasons unknown

BT doesnt use XGPON with 10GB uplinks. They are testing it though but it wont be anytime soon.
Symmetrical would be nice as I would make heavy use of it but 99.9% of people I know wouldnt which is why I see BT caring less.
It also prevents their leased line business getting gutted quickly.

Strictly speaking FTTP is just a moniker for Fibre to the premises, it can be a 1mb link but still via Fibre.


Yeah, that is true. I guess I assume FTTP is at least symmetrical because it’s done via light, rather than electrical signals. Maybe it’s because they sold VDSL as fibre for ages, I because disillusioned

Virgin Media have been using this system for a few years now, glad to see some light being shed on it


I maybe should have emailed them :rofl:, it’s too late now, has to be 2 working days before to move my cityfibre install date, oh well. Wednesday it is

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So when do we think all these broadband companies will end up like all the energy firms?

Sure they don’t have the same variable costs but I can’t be the only one thinking that every other person having their own ISP is not sustainable, right?

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Well, I thought we were going to get octopus Broadband, But unfortunately, we didn’t

That would be great as octopus as an energy firm are great in my experience

I just used the tool to check current address and it confusingly says a few alt-nets are “local”. Not sure what it means as when I go to their website I get a “we won’t be coming to you for a while yet” message which I take as no plans to build.

Will have to check potential rental areas as I’d love some super fast super cheap alt net after eeeeexpensive VM

I think Local means planned, the providers websites never seem to update quickly

I think you want to concentrate on the live ones

This the the fastest BT can provide:

Yes they can do up to 1.6Gbps, but the upload is still 110mbps :rofl:

They’re really stretching the definition of full fibre

I’m not interested in paying soooo much. I just want some cheapo alt net offering 1Gbps for £10 or whatever they do!

And then eventually I’ll probably regret it and end up back with VM :laughing:


As long as you don’t choose Vodafone, you’ll probably wonder why it took you so long to leave Virgin.

Back when I took that brave step, I was going from something like 350mbps on Virgin to 80/20 FTTC which I’ve had ever since (only because I’m yet to live in an area serviced by FTTP). I miss the speed more and more as time goes on (to the point I keep eyeing up Starlink from time to time) and you need more of it, but I don’t one bit miss Virgin’s service. What it offers in throughput, it sorely lacks in every other aspect.


I actually miss Vodafone since switching to Sky. Seemed to have far fewer dropped connections with Vodafone, and also their router was much better.

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That’s very surprising to hear. Generally, it tends to be the other way around with those two. Sky are usually decent. One of the better big guys.

Have you complained about the drops? They tend to be decent at fixing those issues too (compared to the other big guys).

Vodafone’s fibre has been an absolute shambles for their customers, and very good for me. I don’t rate their router at all either. It’s not up to snuff.

You’re probably a very lucky exception, in one of the few areas where it might actually be alright.

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I suppose it’s not really comparing apples to apples. The Vodafone connection was FTTC - but had no drops, and the Sky connection is FTTP but with quite regular drops. I haven’t complained - honestly hasn’t annoyed me enough yet, but I guess if you say they are quite responsive, I’ll give it a try.

As for the router, the Vodafone one had a much stronger signal than the Sky hub and also more connections (things like USB for my Tado thermostat was handy).

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OR strikes again

Saying that, my brother is with OR and he never seems to have issues

As always, my recommendation is to never use the ISP router if you could avoid it and use your own solution

Like maybe altalabs Access points or ubiquity. Yes, it does mean investing in your own Wi-Fi however I find that it’s a lot nicer

I can see what’s happening at the glance, But I know not everyone needs that