Full Monzo đŸ™ŒđŸ»

just pressed the “full switch” button. 7 days away from Full Monzo!..love the app and the bank in general, but a couple of snags that could do with ironing out. Monzo doesn’t recognise my salary as a salary as my employer pays via faster payments. So the get paid a day early feature doesn’t work either. Not recognising as salary means I have to manually reset when payday is. It would be good to be able to suggest logos for incoming payments (such as my employer) as well as outgoing payments. App layout at the moment feels to have got a bit complex
sometimes hopelessly pressing everything to try to find ‘statements’ for example. Would be good to add photos to payees such as family and friends. And would be good to be able to set up payees without having to send them a payment first. (I like to be prepared with all probable payees set up :slight_smile: all in all a great app and bank though and the More I start to use it the easier it should become!

This would be because Monzo isn’t aware of that money coming until it hits your account. The only reason salaries paid via BACs (or any inbound BACs payment for that matter) can be paid a day early is that Monzo are already aware of that money coming and are reasonably certain that money will arrive on the next working day.

I agree with pretty much everything else in your post though :slight_smile:

Also, welcome to the community! :tada:


Hello :wave:

If you have a search around for pretty much everything you suggested, you’ll be able to find a topic to cast your vote on and hopefully get them nearer to production. :crossed_fingers: