Early paid


I’m new to this forum…

I was just wanting to ask a quick question regarding early paid monzo offer.

I get paid on Tuesdays… And usually they offer early paid 4pm Monday.

With next weeks payment being made Tuesday 4th May, and the Monday 3rd May is Bank Holiday Monday… Would I still be able to claim it at 4pm?

Or do you think that monzo will show as 4pm Friday early paid?

Thanks for reading and hopefully someone can help :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi. It will show on Friday at 4PM

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Hopefully, your employer will sort out payrolls :page_with_curl::pound: a day or two earlier, so you should get paid on Friday 4pm :grin::v:

The employer still pays for the normal date, they don’t send it for earlier payment. It’s Monzo who will pick up the BACS request and offer it for earlier payment Friday due to Monday been the Bank Holiday.

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If Friday or Monday is Bank Holiday, my employer does send it earlier :arrow_right::bank::blush:

So, did you get paid on Friday 4pm? :grin:

I certainly did :blush:


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