Thought I’d summarise a recent attempt to resolve a merchant issue via chat, because it’s a good illustration of a lot of minor issues adding up to a seriously frustrating experience. I’m guessing most/all of the issues are with the UI of the system the COps use, not with any specific individuals involved!
As you can imagine there are several hours or overnights between most of these messages since the COps understandably can’t answer straight away and then when they do finally reply I’m no longer able to respond straight away either.
Me: goes on merchant website and uses already stored card details to make payment for my domain name
Monzo: declines payment and freezes card
Me: unfreezes card so I can use it, merchant promptly tries again and it declines again
Me in chat: please help me figure out why this payment was declined and my card frozen
Monzo robot: Sure! Which payment?
Me: this one here
Monzo COp several hours later: Hi, which payment is this about? Also your card is not frozen!
Me: this one here (the same one I picked in the first place! my account is not full of declined payments)
COp: ok I will escalate
but at this point the chat closes!
meanwhile the merchant tries the payment again and it declines for a third time
Me: please can someone respond to this enquiry, it’s urgent
COp: turns out the merchant has incorrect address details and this is why it declined
Me to merchant: can you fix my address details and try again?
Merchant: we fixed your address details and tried again but it declined
meanwhile since this merchant convo takes a while (it’s across timezones) the chat has closed again
Monzo robot: maybe you would like some canned articles?
Me: no thanks
Me to Monzo: The payment has declined again even though the address is now correct, can you help me figure out why?
Monzo: What’s the address?
Me: Same as you have on file, it’s (my address)
Monzo: Great news, that has updated for you!
Me: please can you help me figure out why the transaction declined
Monzo: Sometimes we block transactions for anti fraud reasons but it should always go through the second time!
me: this is now the fourth time
Monzo: well let me know if it happens again and we can look at next steps
me: it happened four times already, can you help me sort this out now please, my domain will expire if I cannot pay for it
Monzo: ok we will escalate this, you can leave the chat
well that’s where I am with it at the moment!
Seems like
- later COps in this chat are operating with zero context as to the ongoing issue
- finally getting an escalation doesn’t stick if the chat auto-closes.
- there’s nothing on the COp end to indicate that there even is a long-running issue or an outstanding escalation
- having a chat repeatedly close mid-issue gives the impression of having an important problem completely ignored.
- this is giving a bad Monzo customer experience, even though it seems likely that the underlying issue is nothing to do with Monzo at all, I just need Monzo’s help to resolve it with the merchant.
Now I’m aware these kind of issues are common to pretty much everywhere running a customer support ticket queue, I just wonder whether Monzo can break some more norms and figure out how to do a non-horrifically-frustrating customer support experience more consistently!
Anyway I’m taking bets on whether I successfully manage to make this payment before the domain expires on the 29th.,. wish me luck.