✅ Disabling contactless feature on card

From what I’ve heard about Revolut’s support, you definitely need to spend your time managing card security with them, as if something happens to your card, you might struggle to get it resolved. With Monzo I don’t need to worry. They manage the security, I’m sensible with my card, and I know that Monzo will sort things out if my card is somehow compromised.


Would still be great if monzo could integrate a similar feature for turning on/off contactless. Then you can get the best of both worlds!


What benefit would it bring to you though?

I probably would prefer to not have contactless on the card and instead use Google pay as my form of contactless. There’s also the peace of mind that if you lose your card it’s not as easy for the thief to go on a quick shopping trip. I know monzo are great at resolving theft, you still have to contact cs and wait for a response.


I’d love to have the ability to turn the contactless feature off. Recently a friend had a transaction take place on a bus through someone with a terminal.

Not something that would be likely to happen to me often as I don’t really do journeys like that but if I was in unfamiliar territory or perhaps travelling then turning off contactless would save the hassle (no matter how well managed) of having to deal with the aftermath

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as long as you’ve not been irresponsible with your bank security then you’re protected from any card fraud including contactless fraud and you’re bank will refund you

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I’ve yet to had a dodge transaction through contactless, but I’m not at all surprised it’s happening. It’s why places sell wallets lined with a bit of metal so contactless through the wallet can’t happen.

If you want to turn off contactless though, you can cut off a bit of the card to stop the NFC from working (the corner usually works) and this severs the antenna. Some banks still offer cards without contactless (I know a few people have requested this from other banks) but I’m guessing Monzo don’t offer them. Of course, both of these suggestions are permanent, and not a toggle you can turn off and on in the app, sadly.

I agree Andy but, if it were the case that it’s just a checkbox in an app to turn it on and off, why not have the added benefit of being able to avoid it all together?

Would reduce worry for some people, would reduce the amount of time Monzo have to spend dealing with such issues and if it became more widespread then it might cut down on the amount of criminals giving it a go.

If it’s not possible then it’s not possible and that’s fine but it seems to my simple eyes that it would only be a good thing if it were an offered option.


Interestingly, TransferWise have just updated their app to allow for disabling contactless, online, in store, or ATM transactions individually in the app.

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These are all great features for the card provider… but are they really good for customers?

That’s a lot of mental overhead for managing what is essentially the provider’s risk.

Not necessarily. For instance, I never use my TransferWise card online, so I’d just disable that function.

If given a toggle for a security feature, I suspect most would leave that toggle disabled or enabled more or less all the time (depending on their preference). In these cases, there’s not really any mental overhead.

I think very few would actively switch states on a frequent basis.


Can you use contactless online? :man_shrugging:

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Sure you can - I just hold my card next to the computer screen.

Annoyingly, my computer doesn’t accept MasterCard, so it never works.

Oh, and you missed a comma from the original post :wink:


I’m not sure, as it still reads the same to me even with a comma. Not sure if that’s just me or I need to fully wake up or what.

A few seconds later, yep I get it.

Haha - Replace the comma with “and” every time and it comes to the same thing.

Glad you’ve woken up! :joy:

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I’m not sure I should wake up now, as it seems it’s gonna be one of those days! :thinking::grin: