Deleted Pots

The purpose of a locked pot is to stay locked until the time you have identified that it should be unlocked, barring an emergency. If you always need to unlock it ahead of this time, then I would have to agree that you are not using it for its intended purpose.

I would suggest that the “lock” is essentially meaningless in your case as the friction of having to contact COps is insufficient to prevent you accessing the money in the pot. Why not just not bother locking the pot at all? That way your time is not wasted contacting COps every time, and if you need the money you can get at it.


I came to say the same thing as @tbutz

They’re intended to help you achieve your savings goal, be this an amount or until a certain date. If you’re randomly dipping into it then you just need a regular pot in my opinion.

Here is Monzos post on why they created lockable pots. The first sentence states that it is to prevent you from keep dipping into your pots, which is exactly what you’re doing.

Ultimately you can use it however you like :slight_smile: However, based on the above it would seem like you’re putting a little too much into your pots? Maybe you could benefit from holding a bit back to prevent you from constantly requesting early unlocks? :slight_smile:


Isn’t this what the search provides? Or could provide?

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In a very basic form and only in each tab currently, I think? It could certainly be expanded into a more global search function though :slight_smile:

Exactly this!


The whole point of locking the pot is to not make it easy. If you want easy, don’t lock the pot.

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