Delayed Inbound International Transfer

Hi all,
I am waiting for two inbound international transfers from EUR accounts, one from Portugal and one from Italy. They were both sent on Friday afternoon but I still can’t seem them and it’s been 3 working days. Has anyone else ever had the same issue?
Thank you!

This can take up to 5 business days. If it’s not received by Monday latest, use the help section to contact monzo and ask them directly.

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I’m having the same problem 4 days waiting on a transfer from Italy. Did you receive yours?
Monzo can’t seem to know what happened to the transfer. Getting unhelpful staff over chat.

Hi Sophie,
not yet unfortunately. Monzo has asked me to ask the sender to provide the UETR number so they can track the payment. I am new to the UK and have just recently opened a Monzo account, but apparently it’s not the best bank for international transfers (I don’t think they have their own transfer system but use Wise)…

Same here, but the Italian bank told me they do not have that number. The help chat just repeats that they can’t trace using TRN.
I’m worried now it’s gone missing.

It might have, but then it would go back to the sender. I don’t think the money just disappears… Otherwise I would also be in trouble. It might be that it just takes a very long time…
I don’t know if we can claim a refund?

I don’t know it’s the first time I use this transfer feature too. Didn’t know it was unreliable or I wouldn’t have used… thought they were just like any other bank.

Yeah… But we should not worry as the money does not just disappear.
I find the hotline much more helpful than the chat so I would advise to call them.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: I tried the line but couldn’t get through it

Did yours show up? Mine still nothing