Declined Payment

A payment that was due to come out my account today has just declined because I forgot to move enough money in to the account to cover it. I have now moved enough money into the account to cover it. Will this still get paid today or do I need to manually make the payment myself?

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It will depend on what it is and who it is.

If it’s just happened, it’s probably a card payment (rather than DD) so it depends on the merchant really. They might give up and never charge you or they might try again later. You’ll need to speak to them.

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Thanks, it was a continuous card payment with Amazon. I will contact them

Amazon will start to cycle through other cards on your account to fulfill an order. Took me by surprise the first time it happened… they took a payment out of my CC which unlike monzo doesn’t notify me so I’d got the failed notice and the goods arrived next day and I thought I’d got free stuff :stuck_out_tongue: