Amazon prime declined

Just had a message to say amazon prime was declined as there wasnt enough In the account. I have just transferred some money over to cover it, will it go out soon or will I have to wait ?

With Amazon orders, you can retry the payment method on the order page. Perhaps there is an option on the Prime subscription page?

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Have you checked your Amazon account? What does it say?

I think someone said on here recently that you can retry it within your Monzo account. But I’ve never seen that to test it.

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Can’t see that anywhere … I have just managed to get through to amazon and they said it should come out in less than 24 hours. Thanks!

I think that might just be for Direct Debits (with Amazon Prime being a card payment) :slight_smile:

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And it’s before 1pm if I remember correctly?

Amazon Prime will automatically retry, you should have got an email from them saying the payment failed.

Alternatively, I think you can go to & find something about billing or whatever & force it to redo it for you.

Thanks guys should be sorted now :+1:t3:

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