Damaged card replacement

My card got physically damaged somehow (chip and wireless stopped working). Checked help (this is iOS app) and it said to freeze card and then get a replacement. None of the three categories matched the correct reason - damaged and my card is now frozen too for online transactions which is annoying.

Can I suggest that for damaged cards you do the following:

  • don’t freeze the card
  • have an explicit damaged option



Thanks for the feedback! You can unfreeze your card if you want to use this for online payments while you wait for your new card.


Thanks Beth. Have unfrozen it now.

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I unfortunately mentioned this over a year ago and looks like the feedback then was not taken into account even though it seems such a simple step to make. I hope to see it soon (but not use until I need too)!


Thanks @imcdnzl and @chapuys - I’m going to feed this back to our Product team :grinning:

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