If we invest in the next Crowdfunding round, do we still get an Investor card/status in the App?
Maybe there should be different statuses? The 96ers, R2 investors etc?
I would imagine so. It’s an easy perk to offer.
Are you still looking to sell?
Im interested in buying shares…how would i be able to recieve any details about this please…
Keep an eye on the forum is all I can think of. I’m sure it will be announced in other ways too but until that happens, we won’t know what they are.
Let me know if you’re still selling the share, offering £3 per share, message me directly s4j@outlook.com
I’ll sell at £3m a share!
Are you sure you have 3379? I have 3378 and feel oddly annoyed!
Good spot! I do indeed have 3378, not 3379!
Any news about next crowdfunding round?
Bets on crowdfunding round before Christmas?
Happy to bet against.
Monzo last crowdfunded in Nov 2017 so I guess the next fund raise will be next month (Nov 2018)
So shares are now valued at something like £9.50.
Not bad when the first crowdfunding round valued them at what, 50p?
This was their original crowdfunding proposition on Crowdcube. ( still prefer “Mondo”)!