I couldn’t agree more with this, and it ties in when I said earlier that it seems cluttered.
Currently there are 4 places you get a list of payees: payment tab, “pay”, “request” and now enabled in labs, the “payees” buttons.
I know it’s not a good reference point as it’s a legacy bank but with natwest, you click pay then select your payee from a single list.
My personal opinion would be a “manage payees” section. Then one place where there is a list of payees. I know it’s slightly different from Natwest as monzo also have a request function. I’m not entirely sure how my suggestion could fit in around that.
Perhaps make the current labs “payees” page the main payments tab (obviously change the UI to add the navigation buttons at the bottom and account at the header) with new “favourites” and “recent”. Add in an edit mode to then manage your payees. Then once you click a payee from that screen you can choose to send or request from there. 4 places where’s there’s a list of your payees might be helpful for some, but for others, me included, seems over the top and you can get lost where you are in the app.
I don’t know what to think about favourites as I expect it will require manual effort to maintain and will most likely be the people I pay most frequently; so possibly a retrograde step for me… My app now appears to show frequent payees correctly now, the only bug bear is that it includes people who I have only ever paid once…
Hopefully this will be simplified into a single coherent payment flow… The flow invoked when clicking Pay, selecting a Payee and then selecting an account from the bottom slide up panel is different (better/worse?) to clicking the payee directly from the payments screen.
One of my payees (happens to be me) has 8 external accounts. When I go via Payments > Pay and then tap the payee I get to the screen below which lists the accounts. The back button is partially blocked. Can still be tapped but doesnt look good
A bit late to reply to this, but I would say no because the reference on it’s own isn’t clear. If both my suggested previous references are random strings of numbers, I am a bit stuck if I rely on just selecting at this point as they aren’t human-readable so I would have to double-check which is the right one every time. Whereas having them saved twice in my list of payees allows for a nickname to be given so the random string can become “X bank credit card” or whatever.
This is a very common scenario as it applies to any account with common holding account sort code and account number, plus unique reference.
Some building society savings accounts, for example, work this way as well.
I have read of other posters who have opened a child ISA for both their children (with the provider offering the best rates at the time) where both are the same holding account with a reference correlating to each child’s account. Being able to nickname them with the name of the child would help massively in that scenario. That is now possible with the new changes to payments, since there is an account nickname field, but you would still have to save the payee twice over with custom nicknames (one for each child). A copy button would therefore be welcome (it could just be a little sheet of paper icon next to the payee account details in edit mode).
For what it’s worth, my personal preference on this would be to simply prevent the payee from being deleted while an active scheduled payment was attached to it. I see your logic but don’t like the idea that the same account details could be presented differently in different areas of the app, as I think it could cause confusion. Whereas simply blocking the deletion of a payee seems like less of an issue day-to-day. You could always add a “Why can’t I delete this payee” info box to explain this to users.
I’m not an industry insider, just an interested customer, but I believe that this will eventually
be coming when Faster Payments become part of the New Payments Architecture.
I’d just like to mention that I actually do like the idea of frequent, basically as an auto-populating list of favourites (or that is what it should be in my mind). I know this may be an unpopular idea, but I think some of the utility of frequent could be kept.
Perhaps a way to automatically or manually manage favourites, based on a new option, could be good? Automatically would attempt to behave like frequent does today, while manual would be only payees marked as a favourite by the user appearing in the list?
I love this, but maybe the link to the Payees Hub should have a big blue button-shape around it?
It doesn’t seem obvious enough, especially in Dark Mode, that it’s actually a button.
Sorry for the long post, I was just catching up with the thread and putting my thoughts in as I went along!
Crazy (or maybe not) thought on multiple references for an account.
What if as well as adding accounts to a payee we could add saved references (which contain the reference and a description).
Then when making a payment and tapping the reference box we can see a list of references to select from or free type?
It’s a nice thought but I think it may be making things too complicated?
Differentiating between the “real” reference and the nickname could become confusing for users.
That is why I personally think that allowing for multiple payees with the same account details but different references (along with the nickname ability in the “account name”) makes the most sense and I think Monzo have got the balance right - they just need to add an easier way to duplicate the account details for creating another payee, preferably with a little “Copy” sheet in edit mode, or maybe the “Copy” sheet should be a duplicate button?
Looking good and coming together. Thanks for working on this area, it really needed it. Couple of observations:
Pressing ‘search payees’ takes you to another screen to search. If that’s the case is there a need for a wide search bar on the payment home screen? Valuable real-estate
The grey lines separating out contacts and actions could be removed to match the Home screen
I’d love profile pictures to work for all contacts, even some of my Monzo contacts have a picture showing on one screen but its been replaced by the initials in another. Payee’s who are credit cards or businesses could have a different profile shape (rounded corner square) to distinguish from people payees. Also loading logos as the profile picture for these business payees would be cool.
There’s a lot of payee screens, hidden behind Pay and Request and the Payees button and then payees in Favourites and Recent. I think this could be condensed and therefore less confusing.
Perhaps the Add Money button under the card on the Home screen could be moved to Payments
Payments from Pots or setting up standing orders to Pots could be moved to Payments as well.
The ability to delete Monzo contacts from phone would be good too.
All in all, a great start and look forward to seeing how it progresses.
Big second on the search point. Found that quite jarring first time I clicked it as I expected it to work like a search bar, not a button to another page.
On the grey lines point, they also match the account/pots view, I’d be in favour of keeping.