Core App: Better payments

I actually really like having the complete list set aside in the Payees hub. It makes the intitial Payments tab screen much nicer and less cluttered, leading to a better overall experience.

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I know we’ve spoken a lot about the redundancy of frequent and recent payments. Leaving aside their utility, is anyone else struggling with the logic behind them? I have a contact I’ve only paid once in the frequent list. And the recent list doesn’t appear to list payees in any form of order (I’d have expected it to be reverse choronological, but it seems not to be). :thinking:


Yes, the payments tab will see a style update too. Sneak peek (not final):


Yay, thank you :slight_smile:

I reckon it would look great in Dark Mode :wink:

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i actually struggle with frequent too :see_no_evil: but these will make a lot more sense once favourites is rolled out, which replaces frequent.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! We are thinking about how the payments tab should look with these changes. We will likely de-clutter the top of the screen by removing/moving Search and nearby. “Add contact” is already gone, and may appear in some form on the payees hub at some point (this is sort of what we mean by having a new space to put these less-common actions without introducing clutter :tada: )


very sneaky sneak peek :dark_sunglasses:

disclaimer: i have no idea when any form of dark mode will get released (we are still working on it – there are lots of screens in the app). everything is subject to change. please don’t sue me etc.


Oh my! I think I love you! I had 0 expectations of getting a sneak peek with that comment, thank you!

User offering to beta test DM here :raised_hands: :pray:

Although your favourites are, erm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This look beautiful. :heart_eyes:

A few thoughts!

  • It’d be lovely to tap on the card and change the source (to include pot and connected accounts!)
  • I’m intrigued as to the ‘swap’ icon in the top right. Is that to change the source?
  • Could ‘Move Money’ include moving money between pots or connected accounts?

I’ve also just noticed that there is a lovely landing page under Pay and Request that I don’t think was there before. Very nice!

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Questionable :joy: :joy: :joy:

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The swap icon is already in the current app. It lets you change accounts quickly if you have Personal + Business or Joint. Very handy.


Very good. Let’s take it one step further and allow us to send money from pots or connected accounts! :heart_eyes:


As mentioned, the switcher icon is for personal/joint/business accounts. We have another team who will hopefully be looking at Pots! We’ve wanted pot-to-account / pot-to-pot movements for a long time too. Unfortunately it’s not an easy problem (there are some tricky legal/regulatory things around payment accounts), so bear with us :pray:


Thanks, Robin - I feared that that might be the case.

I fear I’m preaching to the converted, but before we get to payments out of pots, I think there’s a job of work in tidying up the UI. We have a mix of money movements being initiated from the home tab (pot transfers, moving money from connected cards) and some from the payments tab. It’d be good to bring a bit more consistency in to that - particularly to harmonise the interface for moving money to/from pots and to external accounts (editing scheduled pot transfers, in particular, gives me a headache).


Coming along nicely guys! New Payee hub looks great!

And thanks again for championing the sneak peeks and feedback to the forum, personally anyway do think it makes a massive difference to the feeling of excitement about whats to come again and confidence in monzo still being driven in a good direction


When do we get the option to add images to payees that don’t have them, and for the Payee information to also update within the main feed as well?


You’re testing Monzo dark mode? :eyes:

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This is my new favourite thread :eyes:


I’d better rephrase that before I get mobbed…