Contactless over £30

Remember that Asda’s owners are extremely anti-contactless and have it disabled completely in their home country AND led a group of merchants fighting its introduction (MCX)


Walmart pay - almost as bad as Tesco Pay+!


ASDA have not made any decision to introduce it in the UK as yet (though it has been suggested to them by some customers)

Hopefully once Sainsbury’s take them over they’ll adopt it too! :wink:


Given how CurrentC (MCX’s bullshit payment app) tanked I think they learned their lesson.

I love the image of the £250 limit with Tesco’s pointless app and the contactless card with the £30 limit. They just conveniently forget to remember that there’s potentially no limit with your default phone OS pay system. :roll_eyes:


I guess they just want to track your spending habits and perhaps people using Apple/Google Pay dont tend to swipe their clubcard because it’s a faff to get an extra card out/open an app to scan a barcode.

I know I can rarely be bothered to use a loyalty card if I pay with Google Pay.

Also the fact you have to unlock your phone, open the app, enter a pin and then scan a QR code is silly.

QR code based payments will never be very successful unless it is basically the method accepted everywhere, i.e. China and WeChat


It’s funny how hard retailers push loyalty cards as it it was some sort of silver bullet against their decline… well maybe Amazon is taking up your market share because they’re just more convenient, and not due to any kind of data collection?

It’s quite ironic that Asda mobile has a whole page about mobile payments… :joy:

Just been to Asda and it specifically says “ Contactless under £30 “

FYI - We have a wiki here (Kudos to @alexs for the uneful wikis) for this to track and inform others;

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Good find, I guess it’s always good to do a thorough search on the forum first :smiley:

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What’s ironic is that they deem themselves competent to operate a mobile MVNO but can’t even do contactless properly.


Thanks !

If someone could test Apple Pay over £30 at Asda or let me know if you have in the past that would be great. I don’t want to risk it incase it freezes my account

Im certain it doesn’t work because the terminal said " Contactless- Upto £30 " and no mention of Apple Pay. Which from what i heard, if it says Apple Pay specifically then over £30 does work.

I’ve tried before. It doesn’t work yet.

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Nice one thanks mate !

When and if they do start accepting it, how will we know ?

They will likely advertise it and update their point of sale to highlight ApplePay and GooglePay. Morrison’s do quite a good job of promoting payment methods compared to others.



Most terminals that accept limitless Google/ Apple Pay will continue to show the contactless logo on the terminal screen if the amount is over £30, I believe.

Has the added effect of confusing people trying to use a contactless card when over £30, too. :man_shrugging:


Yup, unfortunately there’s no way to tell before you try if a physical card will work for more than £30 or, with Amex, even if mobile payments will as some shops don’t support CDCVM for Amex (Barclays…)

there’s no way to tell before you try if a physical card will work for more than £30

Why don’t those terminals fall back to online PIN in those cases?