Cluttered UI?

New UI also has a couple of routes to the same things and is extremely laggy - it’s getting on my nerves at the least :roll_eyes:


Old UI was not designed around multiple accounts- even more than a couple of pots and it started to creak.

New UI is much better.

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I miss that layout. I even liked the pulse graph, and honestly (at least on iOS) wasn’t much more pervasive of screen real estate than the new card pane at the top. On the surface it might appear more cluttered, but with the exception of the payments tab, the whole thing felt much more coherent and organised, so while 3.0 might have a nicer looking flat design, it lost the coherence and organisation from version 2, in my opinion. Things were exactly where you would expect them to be, now I find some core settings hidden within sub menus in locations that don’t often make sense to me.

I also appreciated what you describe as wasted space, because effective use of white space is an essential part of bringing order to complexity,

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