First of all I have a complaint really. The helpline or customer support is rubbish. I basically could not get through to anyone on the phone was told to use the in app chat which I couid not find therefore here I am with my issue.
The issue is I tried to open a joint account with my partner. We then released that her card was going out to her old address which she can no longer get into. I cancelled the account via the app and then tried to open a new joint account with her correct address but everytime I do it the request is not appearing in her app. So what have we done wrong, how can we fix it and how do I find the chat or chat app within the monzo app?
has she changed her address in her app and verified it with her PIN ? cancelled the account …does that mean closed the joint account ? I wonder if thats why they won’t let you open another account - 30 day wait period for reopening an account ???
Go to the help section, type ‘contact’ in the search box and click on the ‘Contacting support’ article. Once in the article, there should be a ‘chat with us’ link visible.
It’s likely that because you started the account opening process and then cancelled it that it will need staff intervention to make it work again (this is the same if someone starts to open a current account and then never completes the process).
It’s unclear to me if when you say that your partner’s card is going to the wrong address you mean her joint account card, or her personal account (that she had to open first) card. If it is the personal account, you’ll have to resolve that issue first separately, I suspect.
If you’re unable to chat in-app, or if Monzo need contact from your partner and they’re unable to chat in-app, you could try emailing explaining the situation.