(Award Winning Hot Coral Analyst)
14 January 2020 12:25
Hi Owen & welcome
If the amount received is more than £100, salary sorter will trigger and you’d be able to do it from there.
If less than £100, it’s manual only for now.
EDIT: This has been discussed before;
When you tap on a transaction for money received, it would be great if there was a “Send to Pot” option where you would just select a pot and it would immediately transfer the amount of that transaction to the specified pot.
I often wish to transfer money from other bank accounts straight into a Monzo pot. It would also be useful with “gift” payments from friends and family, to be able to send them to a “Gifts” pot so they don’t get spent on bills etc.
EDIT ; Also similar request here (more votes);
I’m suggesting the ability to send money being to destinations (pots and other accounts) based on salary incoming, rather than date. When money from a particular recipient comes in that is the trigger for it being sent.
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