✅ Cheque Imaging 📱

It’s Carlo, there’s no insight :eyes::rofl::joy:


Perhaps a bit of both? Employees don’t usually just get together and decide to discuss unionisation on a whim.


It could only really be bitter if I left on bad terms.


Might need the account to get a current acccount switch offer


It won’t happen, if it’s to service DVLA and HMRC issued cheques, then both organisations want to remove cheques from their business in the next few years.

DVLA want to move to Open Banking payments to replace cheques, HMRC love open banking and want to expand that even more.

We’ll be sub 100m cheques issued this year I reckon, down from 500m 7 years ago.


Just had a large refund from Amazon to my credit card which balance was zero and they only way they can give me the cash my account is in credit for so so can pass the refund onto a relative is is by cheque.

Out of curiosity is cheque imaging a difficult thing to do?

I am studying software engineering so I am curious if it’s simply very difficult or Monzo just don’t want cheque imaging for some reason…

I thought there would be a framework already in place for cheque imaging, maybe even a legal one you have to follow… then just link it up to your existing code?

I think almost all other banks have this now and it’s actually something I’d call a fin tech feature in the way people used to carry their cheques to the bank and hand them over and now they just scan them on their smartphones.


It’s easy. The back end processing of every cheque is done via image these days, even ones which are posted to Monzo eventually get an image taken for clearing. Getting the imaging in an app is just plug and play, it’s the same module for every bank. But banks have to pay to get directly connected into the system, I believe, and I’m not sure if Monzo processes it’s own cheques, or uses a clearing bank to do it.


Ah I see. I wander how much they would have the pay for that. Thanks for the reply

Santander have now introduced in-app cheque imaging


That’s good. So existing Monzo users with Santander side-hustle accounts can do what I do with HSBC:

Receive cheque → Open HSBC app → Image Cheque → Receive into HSBC account → transfer to Monzo

It’s so simple…


YARN | l'm Bruce Nolan, and that's the way the cookie crumbles. | Bruce Almighty (2003) | Video clips by quotes | 52cae218 | 紗


Looking forward to this feature! :older_man:

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This is not a feature I need often but when I do get that odd cheque it pains me that something so simple and available at other banks is not on Monzo. Like others have said I just scan into Child&Co (RBS) and then wait to clear before moving across.


Prepare for an onslaught of people telling you cheques are dying and it’s easy enough to pay them into a different account.

(But, they’re not dead yet and it’d be easier to pay them into Monzo. Sigh.)


Merry Christmas everyone! :christmas_tree:

If you’ve received a cheque for Christmas, then the following information might be useful.

Banks supporting cheque imaging in-app include:

£5,000 limit per cheque
:white_check_mark: Coutts

£3,000 limit per cheque
:white_check_mark: Lloyds, Bank of Scotland & Halifax

£1,000 limit per cheque
:white_check_mark: Barclays
:white_check_mark: NatWest, RBS, Ulster Bank, NatWest International & Isle of Man Bank
:white_check_mark: Virgin Money
:white_check_mark: Starling

£500 limit per cheque
:white_check_mark: HSBC & First Direct
:white_check_mark: Santander

Banks not yet offering support:

:x: Monzo (not currently planned, postal deposit is available)
:x: TSB (claimed to be coming soon, posting a cheque is possible and Post Office deposit is available)
:x: Nationwide (post is recommended instead)
:x: Metro Bank (deposit in-branch only, it may be possible to post to their Head Office)
:x: Co-operative Bank & Smile (post is recommended instead or you can use the Post Office)
:x: Handelsbanken (deposits can be made by post or at the Post Office)
:x: Triodos (deposit via post only)
:x: Chase (no support for cash or cheques at all)
:x: Kroo (no support for cash or cheques at all)
:x: Revolut (no support for cash or cheques at all)
:x: Danske Bank (deposits can be made at the Post Office)
:x: Bank of Ireland (deposits can be made at the Post Office)
:x: AIB (deposits can be made at the Post Office)


I knew I’d miss one, you can never cover everything!

@Peter_G will know the feeling from compiling various polls!

Triodos (deposit via post only)


Lloyds max is £3,000 according to the app


It must have just been increased recently!

I have updated my post to reflect accurate limits, thanks for pointing this out.


Put a cheque into Startling on Christmas Day, just cleared now.

If only I could scan money into an app :rofl: need to go to a bank up get that deposited :sleeping:


Indeed, that’s one reason why cheques are better than cash - and may actually last longer than cash, possibly, if a cashless (but not chequeless) society eventually occurs.

Of course there is also the Post Office for paying-in with most banks (but not Monzo), PayPoint (Monzo and Monese) and reversible ATMs which allow deposits. But still, you do have to go and physically do it - there’s no way around that with cash!

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