Cheapest way for a person to accept payments

I have N26… and a EUR… But they are being very firm they wont give me both an EUR and a GBP… I need to use 2 phones to do that…

The starling function will be precisely what I need… I am on the waitlist for EUR accounts since it was first stated, if I can send small money requests, in eur and gbp, to be paid by debit card… Thats perfect.

How do you know the amount in that request is in euros? You put a comment in saying €100, but when I go to your Settle Up page, no currency type is specified and the graphic on the left shows Starling screenshots with in GBP. My assumption would be that if I continued to send you “100.00”, it would charge me £100, not €100. Especially as the URL just specifies your name, not an account or currency type. Can you confirm that it’s possible to send euro requests with Settle Up?

I am going to guess hes on the early access to EUR accounts already…

If that works as advertised… it will be precisely what I need… I can even wait a month or two as right now, all the people I have to do this with have transferwise so they can debit the debit card to TW… then TW to me… But this is much cleaner.

Yes, he is, but he will also have a GBP account (don’t think you can close your GBP Starling account once you have the EUR one). There’s nothing in the URL that will direct the funds to his EUR account, so I suspect it is only charging GBP. Certainly without any explicit confirmation that it is working in EUR, I wouldn’t assume so.

I’ve weirdly just got confirmation that on launch the Euro account won’t have settle up. I don’t know if that’s they have run into issues or delaying the feature after it launches. I don’t have it personally my account is standard, I knew it was being worked on.

Also now won’t be given a euro card when it launches, but there is a plan to issue them. So it’ll be IBAN transfer.

It works in the same way as switching between single, business/joint account by tapping the icon to switch. Not 100% sure if you can close the UK once Euro open, you definitely need a GBP to open.

If you open up Starling > Account Management > Get another Starling Account.


Just asked on timing and got…

Bummer on both counts… I can live with the no card (I use N26 and need its maestro card in the Netherlands frequently. Sure would FAR prefer it all to stay in Starling but its something I can work with) but its that EUR top up I would really value. Thats my basic need and doing it without Fx 2 ways is the goal.

There is no feature equivalent in N26 is there ?? What about bunq ?? Anyone know ??

doing it daily for weeks…

Strangely I on the early access signup list I have to have been in there on the first day or so (EUR is something I have wanted and needed so jumped on it) and added myself many times over the last few months… Yet still dont have access. Makes you wonder if the list was really used for anything.

Maybe they are prioritising people who use their Starling account regularly?

Try a Pockit card