Chat link in help section is not present notwithstanding that Monzo say it is

I received this email from Monzo. I can for the life of me not find a chat link on the help screen in the app and thus this email is a falsehood.


Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch. We’re not able to reply to emails sent to this address.

If you need help, please head to the Help section in your Monzo app, and tap “Chat with us”. We’ll be more than happy to help you there!

The Monzo Team

About this?

Chat appears differently for different people. If you search “contact” you’ll be able to talk to someone.

Why won’t Monzo address this issue? It causes so much confusion.


Because they don’t want people chatting in, simply. They want to vastly reduce the number of chats and push people to FAQs.

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Odd, isn’t it, that the ‘Close My Account’ button is easier to find than the “Chat With Us” button?


Although last night proved that people never self help.


I tried to self help but monzo had not provided the relevant help page or had changed the app so that the confirmation link was not on the tax residency page

All you need to do is type “tax” into the help.

Not true as I said the help screens have not been updated to provide any help on Monzos request for CONFIRMATION of tax status

Yes it does. Just search and follow the couple of steps and you’ll end up here.

That is the current tax residency that is shown there is no button or link to CONFIRM this is correct as Monzo have asked us to do by email

As I said this is a home Goal as Monzo have asked us to do some thing by email and then not provided the means to do it or be able to tell them that it is not possible to do as they asked.

It’s pretty simple that to be fair, the attached screenshot shows its set to UK. Job done navigate away and that’s that

If Monzo are not going to record the conformation then this is just a waste of time. I know what i have recorded when I opened the account and I know it has not changed. If Monzo ask me to confirm then I expect them to record that I have complied.

This thread is getting off subject. This thread was about Monzo not having a chat line at the time they say they do.

They should come clean and say they only have support during UK business hours. Outside of these hours there is nothing and you just have to wait until they are open.

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they’re pretty clear about the hours

Outside those hours you should be able to send a message and they’ll pick it up later

This isn’t the case though.