Category Budgets

Hey guys and gals

So basically when I try and send a budget it won’t allow me to type an exact number, so then I use the arrows and it goes up in £5’s however it’s on a odd number so for example I want it at £100, but it goes £99, £104 etc etc

Is this a bug or? Is Monzo able to change it manually?

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If you press on the numbers themselves, your number pad will pop up and you can over type them :slightly_smiling_face:

Only on android can you type the amount in, on the iOS app you can only use the + and - buttons. It’s infuriating!


Gosh I love Android :laughing:


I mean it’s not that iOS won’t allow that. It’s that Monzo don’t.


Thanks @coffeemadman yes sorry for not making that clearer, this is a limitation or the Monzo app on iOS and not iOS itself.

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That only works for setting the overall budget amount though, not for the individual categories (I just tried).