Spending Budget

Hi I’m new to Monzo, I originally set up a couple of the spending budgets eg Entertainment, Eating Out, but now I can’t find how to get back into that to add some limits to some of the other budgets. The ones I haven’t added a limit to are greyed out
Can you help please?


Hi Stuart - on iOS tap the pie chart next to current account on the home screen , then budgets on the left at the top , then scroll down, use either the plus or minus

Hi Ian,
Should have said, I’m on Android. I checked to see if it might be similar but I only got as far as the pie.
Thanks anyway

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how about this then -

" Set monthly spending budgets

As well as seeing what you’ve spent on each category, you can also set budgets for each one.

*1. Head to the Summary tab in your app *
*2. On Android, tap the target icon in the top right corner to open the Budgets screen. Or on iOS tap ‘Budgets’ in the top left corner *
3. Use the + and - buttons to set monthly budgets for each category

From here you can also set a monthly spending budget. And if you’re not sure what your limit should be, you can see what you spent last month. "

Ian, brilliant. Thanks for your help.

The funny thing was, I had seen the target thing but mistook it for the ‘radar’ icon that I now know was on the payments tab for Nearby Friends. Because I thought I knew what it did, I didn’t press it.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to reply.
Have a good one and stay safe.

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