Can't verify phone number

I’m trying to create a new account but after sending 10 new verification codes, and still getting a big cross and ‘sorry we can’t verify your phone number’ message i’m at a loss - any ideas?

Have you had a Monzo account before? i.e. this is your second one.

I started the process before but didn’t complete it. Could it be related to that?

If you’ve already used the phone number then it’s possible.

That could be it. Best thing to do is email explaining the situation and they should be able to look into it for you.

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Alternatively try logging in as an existing user, probably won’t work but no harm trying while you wait for a reply.

Hi, the same thing is happening to me. Did you get this sorted?

Best best is to email or call them calling can take a bit of time .
A simpler thing happened to me it was because I was with them I’m the beta but they sort this for me in 1 day.