Hi, at the lack of not being able to contact live chat support on the app I’ll post it here.
I can’t start the steps to create a Monzo joint account with my girlfriend.
We’ve both got a Monzo account and I’ve checked we’ve both got ‘Payments with friends’ enabled.
However when either of us try to start it we get the error…
“Sorry, we can’t let you apply for a joint account right now”
Can someone assist in explaining why?
Not everyone is eligible for a joint account, seems like you’re not.
Apparently Starling are quite good, if that helps.
Unfortunately if you have received the message that we can’t setup a joint account then unfortunately you aren’t eligible, sorry about that.
For the future, you can always contact our team by clicking ? on the bottom right and typing ‘Contacting Support’. 
Ok I see why now. I hadn’t connected the dots before.
Also thanks for pointing out where I go to contact support. It’s not as obvious as it used to be.
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