Can’t log in my Monzo account


Details to reproduce:
App Version:


Hi @Christopherobasuyi1 can you elaborate on your issue at all?


Is the app crashing? Mine seems to not let me in once Face ID has done.

Have you tried deleting and reinstalling the app?

This has been happening to me for almost 3 weeks.

The app crashes continually, I can maybe get in to the app once a day when I have been trying on/off all day. I’m using iPhone 6 and iOS 12 and the latest update of the monzo update from the App Store. I’ve emailed and haven’t had a reply and I can’t use the in app chat obviously.

Have you done a reinstall if the Monzo app and if that doesn’t work a reset all settings on iOS? It could be a corrupt setting in iOS that’s causing it

This is the most detailed bug report I’ve ever seen :rofl:

To be more constructive you’re supposed to answer the questions not just post them :slight_smile:


Aaaand mine just works now.

It’s like Monzo flicked a switch.

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Im not sure what you’re trying to say there!

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Ive got a suspicion these are bots!

I get the same when I follow those details to reproduce.