Basically someone I don’t really trust has gotten my sort code and account number - can they do anything such as steal my money?
They could set up a direct debit. Not the quickest way to steal your money admittedly
Otherwise, probably not too much, otherwise you would never provide them to others for making payments to you
Best not to throw them around willy nilly mind!
In sure the monzo app will notify you the second they try to make a direct debit
I paid for something (roses made from soap) from a guy on Facebook and I transferred it but it’s my first ever transfer so I’m kinda scared he might steal all my pennies
No need to worry about that
Yeah, would do, but can be missed
Anyhow, nothing particular to worry about here
Card numbers are of course a completely different kettle of fish
Even if you miss the initial setting up, you should still be able to invoke the Direct Debit guarantee when you see money has been taken.
Probably the biggest risk is that you won’t receive what you paid for (and you won’t be able to get that money back as a bank transfer is equivalent to paying with cash).
That’s true! Plus either way I assume @anon1094746 will be protected if he can see into the future and his predictions was correct so more than likely he’ll get his money back plus he said it’s his first transfer which in the event something did happen and he hasn’t transferred to anyone else since, it’s easy to find the criminal
Very low risk, but not impossible…Google ‘Jeremy Clarkson bank details’ to read about what happened when he posted his details publicly.
As far as I can tell, the worst anyone can do is setup a direct debit donation to charity, which with Monzo you’d get notified of so you could just cancel it.
I posted my Monzo account details on here a couple of years ago (in the 2017 or '18 version of this thread) to test it out and never had any issues (although mods might have just deleted my cheeky post, not sure).
Yup, not much you can do with them except the above direct debit thing.
Or they could send you free money
If you’re buying off Facebook I’d recommend that you use PayPal next time if you’re concerned. You’ll also have insurance in case you don’t recieve the items or anything.
But don’t use PayPal for card payments because you pretty much write off your chargeback rights (why are payments so confusing??)
Very low risk, but not impossible… Clarkson stung by fraud stunt | Scams | The Guardian
As far as I can tell, the worst anyone can do is setup a direct debit donation to charity, which with Monzo you’d get notified of so you could just cancel it.
I posted my Monzo account details on here a couple of years ago to test it out and never had any issues (mods might have just deleted my cheeky post though, not sure)
It seems unlikely they’ll even have your details. I know Monzo used to show this information, but like most other banks you now can’t see the sort code and account number of someone who has transferred you money.
Or use PayPals gift option no matter how much the seller insists.
That’ll be a dream for anyone waking up with cheeky million
This is very much worth knowing about and understanding.
Basically, bank details can only be used to send you money except for the specific case of Direct Debits where they are used to claim money owed.
This is why the Direct Debit Guarantee exists, as it allows you (as a consumer) to claim money back if this facility if abused by a retailer or used fraudulently.
Next time you want someone to send you money, or you want to send them money, you could use Monzo’s feature instead. This doesn’t use account details and works even if the other person isn’t using Monzo, so it is good for occasions where you don’t entirely trust them to have your bank details.
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