Budgets not resetting

Issue: I’m trying to re-set my monthly budget but I can’t. I’ve tried to reduce all budget lines to £0 (including overall budget) but it doesn’t let me. I can only reduce line items to £2 and when I edit another line it seems to impact others. Really frustrating

Details to reproduce:
App Version:


Hi @Rach5 and welcome :wave:

While this is just a customer community, we may be able to help. Could you provide some more details such as OS, screenshots (make sure to redact any personal info!) or steps taken?


Hey, just tried doing this myself and it’s not playing ball either.

If they’re greyed out they’re not counted towards your budget, and in the top box, if you tap the figure, enter your amount minus £5, then tap the plus, this should then let you press the tick in top right.

Just tried to adjust my budget on iOS and it works fine,

Are you on Android @Rach5? I Know @Carlo1460 is