Bring custom photos to pots

It’s a small feature that I can most definitely wait for, however, it would be nice to be able to upload a photo to use as a thumbnail for our pots. My most used current pot is a savings pot for a car, and it would be nice to have a little visual reminder as to what i’m saving for.


Here is a custom photo for you

only joking


I want this feature too, I’ve got a few pots on the go for different holidays, one for Christmas and one for birthdays. It would be nice to have a custom image for each

Are there any plans to increase the number of designs for pots available on the app, or perhaps even allow for user created designs?


Hi @Alan1968 :blush: Just took your original post and merged it into this already existing thread. We’re still thinking about how custom images on Pots will work on the app internally. I think @cookywook says it best below :arrow_down:

Hope that’s a little clearer! Do you have any ideas about how we could add this to Pots? We’d love to hear your thoughts!


Also, just in case you all wanted to get involved in the megathread for Pots Feedback, it can be found right over here :honey_pot:

I suspect niceties like these will surface once the current account gains momentum.


I agree - especially since they first have to recoup some of the losses made during the prepaid era.


Oh my god this. I’ve mentioned in Slack before that the house looks like a funeral picture (at a wake in Asia). I initially assumed it was a pot for saving for your funeral, a little morbid but I think discussion about it has come up on the forum before. Even if you didn’t know that existed, you still wouldn’t realise it was a house right off the bat imo.


And, I mean, come on, a cassette tape??! Revolutionary? Yes in the 1960s. Relevant today? Nope.

I think a record player or something would have been better served :thinking: presumably a pot for saving up for gigs and festivals?

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Probably showing my age but I like the cassette…

And the slightly disfigured pig. I’ve called him Bob


Back to the beginning
It would be nice to attach a picture of choice to the pots. Make the whole thing a little more personal
Maybe this will arrive with the ability to automatically set payments into and out off the pot.
Possibly with a feature that incorporates a target level and an indicator to state how well you are doing against that target
Unfortunately this is sounding a lot like Starling now :hear_no_evil:


I find it annoying that you can’t change the background image of a pot after you have created it. If I want to change the image I have to delete the pot and then create a new one from scratch. At least this is the case on Android. Will this change anytime soon?


I really don’t see how / why this is an issue. In this modern age how difficult is it to host / upload an image? Starling is doing it just fine. I think this feature in Pots is crucial.





Within reason :grin:

I just don’t see it as a problem - realistically, what will happen? I’m sure all the weirdos will flock to monzo to share tiny pics of their favourite perversion through pots…



If we are allowed custom images I’m going to use that one

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I’d really like to see us integrate with Unsplash ( so we can choose from their massive photo library.

I’ll add it to the list :smiley: