Bill pot issue


I understand from the update that you can put aside money into the bill pot to see what’s left. All my committed spending is listed in this pot, however when each of the payment dates come around they are still taking money from my main account; I’m left with the same amount in the bill pot. Is this a known issue? This was my understanding from the update and it makes sense to have it come from that otherwise I would just leave it in my main account.



as far as I understand it - having read the blog post :slight_smile: - I haven’t used it - you go to scheduled payments ( direct debit etc ), tap on the scheduled payment , which then (scroll down the screen ) asks if you want to pay this from an allocated pot and to pick the pot which you want the payment to come from - its not just a case of putting money from your main account into a pot and expecting the app to know that you want to pay the committed spend from that pot - you have to allocate the committed spend (direct debit etc ) to a pot initially


I have used it and this is exactly what you do :wink: