Be a part of our new office! 🤳

There should be a place in the new office dedicated to highlighting how awesome the Monzo community is. So we’re going to build a wall for it :blush: (not literally of course…) and we would love everyone here to be a part of it!

We’re going a little old school here :scroll: with something physical to put up on to the wall. This could be a photo (selfies with your Monzo card or travel shots, etc) or it can be a little handwritten note (would love to see these!) - send them over to us via :computer: or :postbox:.

When we get to our new office, we’ll create a little video (and do #monzostories) of us putting all these pieces up. Then whenever you visit, you can check it out and maybe add more to it :relieved:

For :computer::
Send via the direct message on here or email us at

For :postbox::
Monzo - Zainab Khan
12 Epworth Street

PS This might be my favourite part of the new office :smile:


That’s a really cool idea.

Thanks Chris! :blush: Really excited about it!

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