A quick update on community at Monzo

Hey everyone :wave:

Firstly, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for being a part of our community, whether that’s here on the forum, on the dev Slack, on social media or at events in person. We couldn’t have got this far without you.

In the last year, we’ve increased the number of customers we have by about 30x. That’s been both amazing and a lot of work! And at times, I know it feels like we haven’t given you the attention we should have.

I wanted to write this message to let you know we’re listening :slight_smile: We’re making a few changes and ensuring we refocus on community as one of the key pillars of Monzo. You’ll have seen the beginnings of that in the first newsletter from @Naji and the beginnings of regular, predictable events in our office (https://attending.io/events/open-office-january) from @Zainab. Over the next few weeks, you’ll also see considerable work being put in to the forum here and related webpages on Monzo.com, as well as an increased, regular presence on social media.

This will take time and it won’t happen overnight but we’re totally committed and your support (and patience!) means everything to us. I’d love to hear more about what you’d like to see us doing — but also please remember there are real people here at Monzo working as hard as possible to make this work when you make suggestions and constructive criticism :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’m incredibly excited about what we’re going to be doing over the next few months and can’t wait to bring you onboard with Monzo Bank :tada:


can’t wait for the new current account :grinning:


The link to the attending page for Januarys Open office is currently showing as sold out but we’ve reserved limited spots for community forum members who’d like to come along. Once we’ve confirmed a few more specific details of the event (who will be speaking) I’ll update the attending page, update on here and reopen sign ups so you can add your e-mails :+1:

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thank you Naji :grinning:

Thanks for keeping such an emphasis on engaging with us all!

One of the things that I think is really productive about the Monzo community pages is how constructive most discussions tend to be, there are likely to be exceptions but I’ve found this to be almost universal. Long may it continue.


Indeed, this community is great at either diffusing potential situations or flagging down posts that cross the line! :grinning:


Absolutely! It’s a pity that the rest of the internet has made this feel like such a novel situation.

I find that the community around Monzo and the transparency about the product that Monzo offer are the key points keeping me and that persuaded me to switch my current account ASAP.

I also love that I can ask a question and within minutes have someone who knows exactly what there doing help, instead of being passed from pillar to post. (A staple at my current bank.)

Overall the community is one of the main things that made me decide to switch. :slight_smile:


I really feel we have a special community here. I felt that before I began working at Monzo and I feel it even more so now!
Excited to see how we all grow and move forward. I’ll personally be continuing to keep an eye on the forums on the overnight hours, generally from 8pm to 4am, so if any of you guys need anything, please feel free to message me, even if it’s super late! :slight_smile: