Are the preview current accounts forever or time-limited?

For those that are lucky enough to get in the current account preview, will they be able to keep those accounts or will the preview phase end and then they’ll be back in queue for the “final” current account?

The reason I’m asking is because this message led me to believe there will be a “full” current account later on and maybe the preview ones will get closed. Judging by the answers this is definitely not the case - thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

You think they would go through the trouble of moving direct debits and earnings into their accounts if there was a chance of losing that account when the preview ends?


Users in the preview will be keeping their accounts when they are given the final version of the debit cards -

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I’d be royally… cheesed off if they did!

I would say this is a no.

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There is no reason to withdraw the accounts once the testing phase has finished so no.

Aye, though all Preview CA cards will be replaced with Full CA cards once they’re rolled out. As @alexs linked there, account numbers will remain the same though, so it’ll just be a replacement card on the same account.

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