Went into the Apple Store today to pick up a new iPhone with the upgrade program, but left empty handed as apples system would recognise my details (confirmed 100% that everything was correct). Looks like it is an issue on Apple’s side as the loan application was accepted by Barclays.
I saw that it looks as though others have had a similar issue and I’m thinking it could be due to using my Monzo account.
Has anyone had any luck setting up the Upgrade Program with Apple?
There have been issues reported around Barclay’s Partner Finance not accepting Monzo’s sort code:
Your issue sounds a little different though, given that you say BFP accepted the loan application. Also, people have noted (in the thread above), that they’ve been successful in using Monzo with BFP.
Were they any more specific about what details they didn’t recognise?
No not really, they phoned Barclays and confirmed everything had gone through OK. But their app kept popping up an error saying please put in correct details. They are still looking into it at the moment, so might be OK. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar!
That’s annoying – hopefully it gets sorted! I suspect there’ll be quite a few people signing up for the Upgrade Programme with Monzo accounts today, so it might be worth checking back.
Yup, took my sister into Birmingham to get help with her iPhone while wearing my white tee shirt and one of the guys in there (who wasn’t involved in the iPhone problem) came over and asked me how I was getting on with it