They won’t lose sales, if anything they’re likely to increase overall revenue – it’s no longer £199 (which some could see as too much) or whatever, but only £10.99, every month, forever.
But you can still buy it upfront for 2 years for £199. You just buy it upfront from the comfort of your own sofa, and not in the Store.
AppleCare+ for the iPhone 16 Pro Max costs $9.99 per month, or $199 upfront for two years. The latter option would no longer be available at Apple’s stores.
Fortunately, Gurman said AppleCare+ will remain available as a one-time purchase on Apple’s online store, at least for now.
Yes, but for your average customer it’ll still be easier to buy in store – in fact I think they’ll be more likely to do so because they don’t have to drop $199 on top of a $1000+ device, but simply agree to pay $10 a month.
I do on the ultra 2. Not noticed any issues even on a hairy arm.
Do you have the black one? How’s it held up scratch wise?
Yeah, I’ve banged it around a few times and not noticed a single scratch. The clip works flawlessly and I find it very satisfying tbh. I’ll be honest I don’t take good care of it but it’s held up very well. Just have to get used to taking it off I kinda shake the wrist to jiggle the strap through the opening.
It’s not about being cynical, logic tells you it’s going to make them more money. Apple will have all the data on AC, how long people keep their phones, when they stop paying for AC, when people get refunds etc etc.
The cynical side of it, if you wanted to look at it that way, is that some people will pay more in AC than their phone is worth.
I still don’t see how though?
You go to an Apple Store. You buy a product. When you buy it, the sales person also suggests AC+ so you get that as well which gives you 2 years cover.
You go to an Apple Store, you buy a product. You go home and you get a prompt from Apple (because they always prompt) about getting AC+ as well. You buy it at home for the same price for 2 years cover upfront. Or, you even double-check and realise your home and contents insurance covers it anyway, or your packaged bank account includes Mobile phone cover so you actually don’t buy it at all.
Where’s the catch? Apart from ‘it’s a change from Apple so must be a nefarious way for them to make more money although it’s not obvious how?’
Total cost - £199
You pay £12 a month for the entire time you keep the phone.
The ‘total cost’ you quote is for 2 years cover (not lifetime).
You can still buy it up front for £199 for 2 years cover.
Exactly. You get 60 days to buy it. You can’t add more after that. If you decide in 23 months “Actually, I really like this phone and I’m going to keep it, I want AC for longer” you cannot do that. The max you can have paid to Apple is £199.
If you pay monthly, it goes on until you cancel it. The max you can pay is months you own the phone x £11.99 = Potentially more than £199.
Monthly is effectively lifetime.
I pay monthly due to this. I can have AppleCare on a 3/4/5 year old phone this way. I cannot if I pay upfront.
It might be different on phones, but on my MacBook Air, which I bought 2 years upfront AC+ on when I got it, says I can renew that when it expires later this year.
So, even if you buy it upfront for the first 2 years, you can still renew when that expires. Not sure yet what options I’ll get offered at that point - another 2 years or can I switch to monthly. Although, by the time that’s up, the MacBook Air M4 will be out so I’ll probably be tempted to upgrade to that anyway…
I mean maybe they’ve changed it now, if so that’s good.
So one month after my AirPods Pro 2’s second birthday (when they are no longer eligible for AppleCare+), they are suddenly failing. Isn’t this just oh so convenient, Tim Apple?
Tim Apple has been monitoring you through your iPhone camera.
Is it battery?
How long ago did the Apple Care run out? If it’s been a few days, they’ll show you some goodwill and replace them under Apple Care.
I’m gonna guess a month ago.