App logs me out every day


It might be worth sharing that over in this thread so the team working on things like that this know it’s an issue:

If I recall correctly, this logging out issue is Monzo’s solve for a certain crash recovery that would otherwise brick the app. I was under the impression that that particular issue had been resolved though, but perhaps this remains in place for others?

Perhaps @DaleBuckley might be able to shed some light.

Is there anything in particular you do daily with your device that you can think of which might not be a typical thing most folks would do? Could be something as benign as turning your phone completely off at night.

I ask because it’s possible you’re doing something that might not seem in any way related to the issue that could be causing it, and trying to identify what that might be could both help myself and others to replicate it, and in turn, for Monzo to fix it.