[Android] Notification sound for money credited missing

The notification sound for my account being credited has now changed to the same as it being debited and I miss it :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

Does anyone know the reason why or where it has gone or how to get it back?

App version: 2.62.0 (Beta)

Isnā€™t it the same for both for everyone :eyes:

Unless youā€™ve changed it yourself

I am certain it used to sound like money dropping before :eyes::eyes: or am I going insane?

Looks like youā€™re right #androidbias

Try this

Ah this is to set a custom sound

Monzo used to have this great sound for when your account was credited (sort of like a Mario coin noise) but it would still fall under ā€˜App provided soundā€™. And this is the one thatā€™s gone missing :disappointed_relieved:

If in doubt try a delete and reinstall

If that doesnā€™t work

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It depends how you send/receive money :blush:

Card payment = ā€˜kerchingā€™
P2P receive = ā€˜kerchingā€™
Receive ā€œThanksā€ = ā€˜kerchingā€™
Bacs / FPS receive = ā€˜Mario coin noiseā€™ :partying_face:

I think refunds make the ā€˜Marioā€™ sound but I canā€™t test that right now :innocent:

But if you are having any trouble, reinstalling never hurts :ok_hand:


Oh I see!
I think i used to recieve the ā€˜Mario noiseā€™ for bank transfers too!
I deffo recieve the ā€˜kerchingā€™ for all others!