First-time poster to the Monzo forums, so be easy on me!
It’s the day before my Current Account switchover is due to complete, so I’m in the process of recreating my Payees in Monzo (using the Android smartphone app), before the Current Account with my previous bank, closes once and for all.
I have to say, setting up a new Payee is proving to be somewhat challenging - and that’s coming from someone who is a Senior Mobile UX Architect for a global Fashion Retailer!
In the ‘Payments’ area of the app, my first thoughts were to tap the icon featured in the top-right hand corner, represented by a user and the supporting plus. In my mind, that says, “Add New Payee”. Oddly, after filling out the information, I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t being asked for any bank account details for the payee in question. Turns out, I was inadvertently adding a new contact to my phonebook, every time I filled the information out - not setting up a new payee.
Through persistence, and trial and error, I eventually discovered the way to set up a new payee, was by interacting with the “Bank Transfer” CTA. By no means obvious that this was where I needed to go. The “Or schedule payments & standing orders” text, threw me off guard. Even then, there are significant areas for improvement. The “Recipient Name” input field, gives no indication as to whether you need to supply the full name the payee’s bank account is registered under, or a nickname, for ease of reference.
Anyway, after going through the rigmarole of the above, I was hugely disappointed to find that I couldn’t set up a new payee, without having to make a deposit there and then. My primary reason for setting up all my new payees in one fell swoop was because I was about to lose all of their bank account details, from my “old” Current Account, and bank. I didn’t want or need to make a deposit. Nevertheless, I deposited 1p, with each payee setup. I’ll now have to contact each to tell them to ignore the odd deposit amount before they question why I’ve sent them a penny!
Worse still, it turns out that after all that, there isn’t a dedicated area in the ‘Payments’ section of the app, where I can simply view a list of all my payees and their bank account details. I appreciate there is a ‘Recents’ area, but how many payees will that list, before it starts to overwrite itself? Not at all clear.
My experience with Monzo and the Monzo app, over the course of my tenure with them (~6 months) has so far been excellent, which is why I have decided to move to Monzo as my only Current Account provider. But, app onboarding, and the setup and management of new payments, in particular, needs to undergo some serious usability testing, in my books. I’m sure others have struggled with this, and been less persistent than I have.