Amazon refund declined!

Monzo has declined a refund from Amazon!

There are no options except for me to resend the funds. I can’t. It’s Amazon!! I pay again through Monzo, and refund should work.

Can someone from Monzo help? There no longer a support option. I’m guessing I have to pay for it.

Any suggestions?

Amazon do tend to try the refund again.

When did they first try to refund it?

Also if your on iPhone (no idea on android) but if you click this link it should open the live chat


:android: - That won’t work as a direct link from the forum (when viewing the forum on Android), but you can copy the link to a Slack message to yourself and click on it, then it’ll open the Monzo chat OK

Here’s a step-back-in-time example: monzo://unboxing

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