Adding cards to Google wallet not working

I have recently picked up a Pixel 9 and I can’t seem to add any of my Monzo cards to my Google Wallet, I get a very generic error about not being able to do it at this time and needing to contact my bank.

Has anyone else come across anything similar?

Edit: I should have probably added that I have talked to both Google and Monzo. Google think Monzo need to delete my card tokens, Monzo say they have done this and the error is on Google’s end. I’m feeling a little stuck in the middle :sweat_smile:

I have exactly the same problem, I just got pixel 9 and thought it was something I was doing wrong, keep going round in circles

Have you managed to add any other bank cards? I got the Amex working but my Starling is also having the same issue.

I only use my Monzo so I can keep track of my money, but I thought it was just me missing something but for someone else 2 have exactly the same issue then it’s clearly a Google fault, I should imagine it will b fixed pretty soon hopefully

Hey @MaxCheetham / @QueenB86

If you reach out to us via the chat we might be able to take a look and see if it’s an us issue (Uh-oh!) or on Google’s end :heart:

How do I message u on the app

Help → Search for ‘Contacting Support’ → Tap on the ‘Contacting support’ search result → Tap on ‘Tap here to get started’ in the ‘Chat with us section’

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Thank u

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Hey @_Tom I’m afraid I have already over the weekend and we couldn’t get anywhere, if you feel like it’s worth having another go I’m happy to throw a message in!

I just spoke via chat back and forth for about 45 mins, fit nowhere I now have 2 wait 24-48 hours for them 2 let me know wat is happening