Account switch

Hi guys,

It says in app my switch is underway but I’ve not had the list of DD yet?

Does this come later?

Have you got a completion date? They normally come just before the end of the switch.


:point_up:Yup. They’ll more than likely happen all at the same time just before your switch completes.

A lot of the 7 day CASS time seems to be padding for whatever reason.


Let’s hope it’s correct then :slight_smile:

Should get it within 5 working days usually

Switched to Monzo I assume? Good move

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For my switch, all my DDs flipped over on the day before the switch date and I got a notification for each one – so there’s a bit of peace of mind for you.

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Switching to Barclays from Monzo would be a terrible decision lol

Pretty sure it’s day 4 off the top of my head.