Account Sweep

Hi all.

Anyone know if it is possible to set up some sort of ‘sweep’, whereby on payday all remaining funds left in my account before salary is deposited is ‘swept up’ into a pot?

I haven’t been paid into Monzo yet, so apologies if this feature exists by clicking on the payment to open options.

Many thanks,


On your monthly spending report there’s an option to send leftover money to a pot

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Ah amazing.

Could you show me how to find the option? Apologies, I am new to Monzo.

Many thanks,


At the end of the month a summary will appear in your feed. Tap it and down the bottom there’s a button to move excess to a pot. There’s no automatic setting

I’ve had a budget set since I joined Monzo so I’m not sure if it’s a thing if you don’t have one set

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OK, understood. Shame it’s not automatic but it’s only a few clicks - fine.

Many thanks for your help,



Just so you know what to look for, at the end of your Summary period, you’ll receive an entry in your account feed which looks like this:

Tap on ‘Spending report’ and you’ll see a display which shows a quick breakdown of your activity during the last period. The big blue number at the top is how much you have left. If you then tap on ‘ADD TO POT’ at the bottom, you’ll be able to move that amount from your account into a chosen pot:

I don’t have a budget set, so it appears it works the same for people who do or don’t have budgets set.

EDIT: If you haven’t been paid yet, you probably won’t see the Spending report feed item until a month after you have been paid because Monzo won’t know the period to base a Summary report on, which usually starts with a receipt of income.

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HI David.

This is incredibly helpful, thank you.

You’re right too, I haven’t been paid yet so I don’t see the Spending Report feature.

I will keep a good look out when pay comes in.

Many thanks indeed,


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