Account Closed and Funds Frozen

Indeed. If you turn up to a branch with a frozen / closed account they’ll give you a number to call and refuse to say anything more no matter how much you insist. No untrained frontline staff will want to risk tipping off.


That may be the case - ive banked witb 2 other well known high street bank for over 30 years in all that time ive always been able to access my money and never had my account frozen / closed - im just a normal average banking customer - ive been with Monzo just over a ysar and look what happened to me !!! Never ever again and i will be telling eveey one i know the same - dont bank with them !! Whist investigating ive read 100s of accounts of this happening to others

Did you sell anything on Facebook marketplace? Or generally receive any new incoming payments from persons you wouldn’t usually? Did Monzo ask you about any payments before this happened?

Honestly it happens with all banks; you just happened to have it happen when with Monzo.

It happens, tell your friends I guess, but with millions of customers it won’t dent Monzo overall.


I respect that you feel this way - I know I would for a while if it happened to me. But this really is just a case of a thing that just unfortunately happened to you, and others every day.

And whilst all these people will say “I wAs InNoCeNt”, the reality is that they were recieving dodgy payments / doing something in crypto / [insert dodgy financial activity] that the banks have to investigate. Not saying this happened to you.


Being involved with the wrong people, having multiple refunds from delivery services/merchants (Deliveroo, asos etc) can result in closures.

Always more to the story than just a closure.

On to the next I suppose


This feels wrong. Just my 2p

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Well, it could be seen as money laundering, Maybe your friend owns the restaurant, that you’re paying through the app And he gives you the cash, Then you claim a refund from Uber eats saying you never got the food, Then you get double the money back

It’s not too far-fetched

Yes it is.

Getting refunds won’t be the issue. Getting illegitimate refunds is totally different.

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Sorry, to clarify, banks don’t know you haven’t received the goods, and people will commonly claim they didn’t to gain a refund.

It’s a big issue. People are c*nts.

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But is it a bank’s job to decide that you have, in fact, received the items and close your account? It feels like an overreach. Banks can’t just play police, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.

To be clear, are these just general refunds, or chargebacks you’re referring to?

No, the bank will query with the merchant and receive sufficient evidence from the merchant to reject a claim.

This includes all purchase notes from time and date of order; to photo of delivery (hilariously in someone’s hands)

The bank doesn’t make a blind decision, it has to be based on fact should the issue to raised further (ombudsman etc).

If there is insufficient evidence given by the merchant, it can likely rule in the customers favour.

But if it’s happening every week then the bank can exit a customer (refund or not) due to the risk it can have on the business (financially or otherwise).



Yes in my opinion you have added some context to suit your argument which I get. The cold hard truth is banks aren’t charities and have to adhere to rules set out by the authorities. Whilst I feel (genuinely) for people put into hardship if their accounts are suspended in some way, it can’t be ignored that there are many chancers and con artists who seek to tug at the heartstrings for their own self gain. Sad but regrettably true.:man_shrugging:

This is a 3-month old topic… did you really need to respond to it?


No ! But there you go.:man_shrugging:


Are you a mod now?


They’re gone now. You need to be eighteen…

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So I see…

Why’d he go? Confused.