Bank froze under investigation


I’ve been banking with monzo for years and never listened to people who told me to stay away! I wish I did now! I went on the app to get my money at 4 like I usually do and I had received a message on the app asking me to confirm a payment that had been made to me by a friend of 20 pound and I told them and they told me it’s being investigated by the specialist team and my bank has been frozen! I can’t touch my money and they’re telling me they can’t give me a time frame! I questioned the friend because I thought she must’ve disputed it but she’s telling me she hasn’t and her monzo was shut down? Has anyone had this happen before? What’s going on and how long does something like this take? When will I be able to get my money? :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

Either she or the person who sent them to her has disputed the funds as fraudulent, because she also banks with Monzo you are in the very quick firing line

The fact that they are asking you why you got the funds - and not just instantly closing your account is a good sign. Explain your entitlement to the money, and think twice about letting sketchy friends pay into your main bank account in the future

Also this happens with every single bank, for once it’s not a Monzo issue. If any bank gets a report they have fraudulent funds in an account they will freeze it until they can look into it. Especially since the receiving banks became 50% liable recently.


Your friend is a victim/dodgy so now they are checking you. All banks have to do this.

Her account closed down instantly means there is a lot more to it that she isn’t telling you.

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It can take a long time, in some cases several weeks, although it could happen more quickly.

If you don’t have another account, it might be a good idea to set one up asap (starling is quick) and make a list of direct debits to transfer over (eg credit cards, bills).

It could also be resolved tomorrow, but I wouldn’t count on it.