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Think the information about the Blog Doscussions category needs updating @Tristan. Loads of really interesting information here all added to my reading list!
Cheers @RossA, all done
Is there a way to subscribe to the blog so I’ll be email notified of new posts?
Great idea
Can we have another ‘Big list’ please with bullet points including the 3 that didn’t meet the deadline, so we can see what you’re up to/have planned feature wise?
If anyone agrees, bump this message up somehow so it gets seen
Strongly feel you guys need to check up on your support queue times how can i be waiting over 72 hours + for me to open a dispute is this a joke? @tristan
time someone makes you guys aware of this.
hello tristan my name its edmond stoica pls my brother si sent my last 3 weeks 2300 houndr pound i don way block my card sh show my frosen pls help my
pls i speak to monzo shi tell my his need close my account shi tell my his return my money 2 4 weeks i have 3 weeks i didn recieved
Hi, some news reports say that Monzo may not be able to continue trading and may collapse. What is the current safety/feasibility/state of Monzo?